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elly's Chinese 7

Monday Feb 18, 2008

Monday Feb 18, 2008

lesson 7
a ma --mom (ma ma)
b ba --dad (ba ba)
c ce -册 cai -vege
d de - 的
e de
f fa --hand out fang -house
g ge --bigger brother (ge ge)
h he --drink
i mi --rice
j jia --home
k kai --open
l la --pull
m mai --buy/ sell
n nai --milk

Elly's Chinese 6

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 6
supermarket --chao shi
excuse me -- da rao yi xia
may I know --qing wen
where is salt --yan zai na li?
excuse me, may i know where the salt is? -- da rao yi xia, qing wen yan zai na li?
milk --niu nai
cow --niu
milk --nai
may i know where the milk is? --qing wen niu nai zai na li?
olive oil --gan lan you
may i know where the olive oil is? -- qing wen gan lan you zai na li?
sugar --tang
cheese --nai lao
butter -- huang you
counter -- shou yin tai
bagette --fa shi mian bao
french bread/ bagette --fa shi mian bao
italian bread --yi da li mian bao
italian --yi da li
bread --mian bao
salad --se la
fruit --shui guo
vegetable -- shu cai
where --na li?
may I know/ would you please tell me -- qing wen
thank you --xie xie (ni)
sorry -- dui bu qi
you are welcome --bu yong xie

elly's Chinese 5

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 5
excuse me -- da rao yi xia
may I know --qing wen
where is salt --yan zai na li?
excuse me, may i know where the salt is? -- da rao yi xia, qing wen yan zai na li?
milk --niu nai
may i know where the milk is? --qing wen niu nai zai na li?
olive oil --gan lan you
olive --gan lan
oil --you
may i know where the olive oil is? -- qing wen gan lan you zai na li?
sugar --tang
may i know where the sugar is? --qing wen tang zai na li?
cheese --nai lao
may i know where the cheese is? -- qing wen nai lao zai na li?
butter -- huang you
may i know where the butter is? --qing wen huang you zai na li?
counter -- shou yin tai
may i know where the counter is? --qing wen shou yin tai zai na li?
where --na li?
may I know/ would you please tell me -- qing wen
thank you --xie xie (ni)
sorry -- dui bu qi
you are welcome --bu yong xie

Elly's Chinese 2

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 2
you --ni
good --hao
? --ma
mom --ma ma
New Year --Xin Nian
new --xin
year --nian
Happy New Year --Xin Nian Hao
busy --mang
what --shen me
how have you been? --zui jin mang shen me?
have time --you shi jian
have --you
time --shi jian
we --wo men
get together --ju yi ju
shall, ? --hao ma?
shall we get together sometime to catch up? --you shi jian wo men ju yi ju hao ma?

elly's Chinese 4

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 4
hello --ni hao
how are you? --ni hao ma?
alone --yi ge ren
are you here alone? --yi ge ren ma?
yes --shi de
drink --he
can i offer you --ni xiang...?
can i offer you a drink? --ni xiang he shen me
what --shen me
you --ni
can i offer you a drink? --ni xiang he shen me?
pretty --piao liang
very --heng
you are pretty --ni heng piao liang
dance --tiao wu
do you want...? --ni xiang...?
do you want to dance? --ni xiang tiao wu ma?
? --ma?
do you want to dance? --tiao wu ma?
I --wo
like --xi huan
you --ni
I like you --wo xi huan ni

elly's Chinese 3

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 3
hello --ni hao
are you here alone --yi ge ren ma?
yes --shi de
can I offer you a drink? --ni xiang he shen me?
you are pretty --ni heng piao liang
do you want to dance? --tiao wu ma?
I like you --wo xi huan ni

Elly's Chinese 1

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

Tuesday Feb 12, 2008

lesson 1
hello -ni hao
how are you? -ni hao ma?
happy new year! --xin nian hao!
how have you been? --zui jin mang shen me?
shall we get together sometime to catch up? --you shi jian wo men ju yi ju hao ma?

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